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Shorebreak: The Clark Little Story Film festival laurels

Shorebreak TV show


Shorebreak The TV Series chases Clark Little around the beautiful North Shore of Oahu. Clark’s enthusiasm is contagious as he shares his passion for taking a beating from the heaviest waves on the planet to get the perfect shot. Join Clark and friends as they swim with shark and run head-first into danger in order to come away with some of the most unique and stunning images ever captured.


Outside TV
Streaming online 24/7

Download the Free Outside TV App (iOS, Android, Apple TV, Roku, Amazon)

OC 16
Hawaii Spectrum Cable
Cable TV 12 or Channel 1012 in Hawaii
info >

- Plays each week at

MON 8:30 pm
TUES 2:30 am
WED 5:30 pm
THUR 6:30 am
FRI 11:00 am
SUN 1:30 pm
