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ONDE Clark Little Solo Exhibition - Montreal, Canada

Heritage Maritime Canada logo

Heritage Maritime Canada
Succursale Place d'Armes, C.P. 94, Montreal, Quebec H2Y 3E9

Exhibit: July 2014 thru June 2015

Heritage Maritime Canada - Exhibition - overall shot
Heritage Maritime Canada Outdoor Exhibition Space at La Vitrine Maritime .
Intersection of de la rue de la Commune Ouest and de la rue King
Montreal, Quebec, Canada [Map]



Outdoor solo exhibition of 12 large Clark Little prints (72"x48") with Heritage Maritime Canada along the waterfront at La Vitrine Maritime. Heritage Maritime Canada Showcase Exhibition is dedicated to the art and photography inspired by the sea, water and water worlds. The location is at the Old Port of Montreal, intersection of de la rue de la Commune Ouest and de la rue King.

Heritage Maritime Canada - Exhibition - close up shot
Heritage Maritime Canada - Exhibition - various overall shots